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The MB Market/MBCA Virtual Car Show


We couldn't let everyone else have all the fun from home so we're announcing our very own Virtual Car Show in partnership with Mercedes-Benz Club of America! Next Saturday, May 2nd, we'll be judging entries across six categories. It's free to enter and open to any Mercedes-Benz owner.


Saturday, May 2nd - Sunday, May 3rd

Entry Submissions: 9am EST May 2nd - 12am (Midnight) EST

Voting: May 3rd, 12pm -8pm EST on:

Entry Requirements:


Post your favorite photo(s) of your Mercedes-Benz on your Instagram page. Please limit your entries to a single post per vehicle keeping in mind Instagram does allow up to ten photos per post. Only cars you currently own will be accepted. Include the year, model, and any other noteworthy details you love about your Mercedes-Benz. In the spirit of staying at home, we encourage you to use photos previously taken or take photos from home.

Tag the post with:



The MB Market team and MBCA will nominate the top 3 Mercedes in each category. The top 3 will then be posted to both The MB Market IG page and MBCA IG page. Voting will be open to the public, may the post with the most likes win! 'Likes' will be totaled between both pages for a final tally. The show starts at 9 AM EST on Saturday, May 2nd and ends at Midnight EST; Posts must be made within this time frame to be considered for judging. Voting will start at Noon EST and end at 8pm EST on Sunday, May 3rd.

The Show Categories:

Best Classic (Pre-1980)

Best Youngtimer (1980-1999) Best Modern (2000+) Best Stock (Unmodified, displayed in OEM form) Best Modified (All modifications considered) Best 4x4/SUV (All Mercedes-Benz SUVs/4x4's/Crossovers)

Once nominated, we'll allow a popular vote (via post Likes) on Sunday starting at Noon Eastern to choose the winner in each category.

Winners in each category will receive a shipment of introductory gear branded by The MB Market, in addition to bragging rights, of course. There will also be a Best in Show award which will additionally be given a custom replica 190SL grille star trophy !

We look forward to seeing all the entries!

-The MB Market and The Mercedes-Benz Club of America


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